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What We Do

Miracles Addiction Treatment & Recovery Program

Miracles Addiction Treatment & Recovery Program

In pursuing our ultimate goal of breaking the cycle of homelessness, one person at a time, Siena Francis House provides our Miracles Addiction Treatment and Recovery Program (Miracles Program). Housed in the Baright Building, the Miracles Program consists of an 80-bed, CARF-accredited residential treatment facility – including transitional housing – administered by state-licensed mental health practitioners and counselors/therapists. The state of Nebraska licenses the Miracles Program as a Mental Health Substance Use Treatment Center that provides addiction treatment through a 12-Step model, free of charge, to individuals experiencing homelessness or who are at risk, due to substance abuse disorders. The Miracles Program and facility operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Who Miracles Serves – The Miracles Program provides free, residential treatment for individuals with presenting personal issues that include addiction and homelessness (or for at-risk persons due to substance abuse disorders), which may also include poverty/low income,  judicial involvement, and mental health disorders. The program serves men and women aged 19 and over, with 48 beds for men and 32 beds for women. Program participants may apply for treatment voluntarily, or be referred by local agencies, such as community corrections and/or other addiction treatment providers seeking a higher level of care for their client(s).

Miracles Treatment Philosophy – Our “Treatment Philosophy” is anchored in a person-centered, trauma-informed approach, combined with 12-Step priorities that include: honesty; acceptance; a willingness to look at self; and the idea that an us/team perspective is necessary for ongoing, continued recovery. As such, the Miracles Program encourages peer support and involvement with the local 12-Step community, which may include sponsorship, meeting attendance and participation in other educational and social activities.

Miracles Treatment Process and Curriculum – When persons first enter the Miracles Program, they are given a thorough biopsychosocial assessment, in order to help the program’s clinical staff formulate a holistic approach to treatment. While in the Miracles Program, participants are involved in individual and group counseling sessions and, depending on the need, may also be enrolled in individualized treatment opportunities, including classes related to the 12-Step Model of addiction treatment and recovery, co-occurring disorders, grief recovery, dysfunctional beliefs, trauma and safety, mindfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anger management and relapse prevention.

Miracles Program participants are also enrolled in on-site vocational counseling, education and service opportunities/assignments, which support the functioning of our organization, coordinated by the program’s Employment Specialist. These vocational service opportunity/assignment areas include: food services; donation pick-up and delivery assistance; shipping and receiving; housekeeping; clothing distribution and administration, as well as facilities, grounds and vehicle maintenance. In these vocational service roles, Miracles Program participants develop essential technical and interpersonal vocational skills, which can be helpful in gaining and sustaining employment, post-treatment.

Aftercare is also available to participants who have been successfully discharged from the program.

Key Goals for Persons Successfully Completing the Miracles Program:

  • Sustained sobriety and engagement in a program of recovery
  • Permanent, stable housing
  • Increased income through benefits and employment
  • Development of a personalized, community-based support system

Miracles Staffing – Our clinical staff consists of Licensed Mental Health Practitioners (LMHP) and Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors (LADC).  Additional support staffing consists of a Residential Supervisor that oversees aspects of participants’ daily living through the supervision of five Treatment Technicians, along with a Vocational Specialist (see above for vocational services information) and a Case Manager. The Case Manager works with participants to identify stable housing solutions through housing education, search assistance, and rental/deposit assistance. The Case Manager also provides program participants assistance in obtaining public benefits and linkage to needed services, including, although not limited to: medical and mental health care referrals; dental care; legal assistance; birth certificate and identification requests; and transportation.

Miracles Accreditation – The Miracles Program has been accredited by CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities).

For more information on the Miracles Program, contact:

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