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Case Management Services

Case Management Services

Siena Francis House seeks to empower individuals experiencing homelessness to navigate their own path to stable, permanent housing.  Our organization aims to make shelter stays rare, brief and non-recurring. Once people fall into homelessness, though, it can be difficult for them to navigate their way out, without assistance. Case management wraps supportive services around those experiencing homelessness and connects them to mainstream benefits and other community supports, promoting our ultimate goal of assisting guests to become rehoused out in the community, as quickly as possible.

Siena Francis House recognizes the value of a "housing first" strategy by creating a housing-focused shelter, utilizing an individualized, “person-centered” approach. As the organization's goal is reducing the length of shelter stays by helping guests access and maintain housing, shelter staff administer MACCH's coordinated entry assessment to anyone requesting shelter at Siena Francis House. This assessment helps prioritize individuals for the community's available supportive housing options. Working with case managers, guests create individualized plans to address barriers to securing housing.  These housing plans outline goals and action steps necessary to overcome identified barriers. To further assist guests with developing their housing plans, Siena Francis House’s case managers can help them link with, and gain access to any of the following mainstream benefits, community supports and services:

·         Local Housing Programs and Housing Readiness Training

·         Rental Assistance, including Section 8 Housing Application Assistance

·         Utility Assistance

·         Employment Resources and Training

·         Financial/Money Management Education

·         Services Targeted to Veterans

·         Domestic Violence Counseling and Support

·         Addiction Treatment and Recovery Referrals

·         Medical, Mental & Dental Healthcare Referrals

·         Pharmacy/Prescriptions & Referrals

·         Educational Enhancement Preparation and Referral

·         Identification Card/Birth Certificate Assistance

·         Legal and Immigration Assistance

·         Application and follow-up assistance with Social Security/Social Security Disability, General Assistance, Unemployment, and other income/benefits

·         Computer Lab Access

Case managers monitor and document progress on housing plans with guests. Because of limited housing resources in our community, and the varying needs of individuals, the timeframe for achieving permanent housing varies from guest to guest. As guests progress forward with their housing plans, they can continue to seek case management services throughout their stay in emergency shelter. Case managers can provide additional services and access to more specialized community supports to guests who may have higher, particular needs, helping them formulate their housing plans and housing searches, in order to ultimately help them move into housing out in the community.

To read and learn more about one of our Homeless Outreach Specialist Case Managers - Mandy Rose - just click HERE!

© 2025 Siena Francis House